The magazine started as a small USA publication called 'Micrographics Newsletter'. That was in 1969. Since merging with the UK's 'Micrographics Marketplace' in 2002, (after which, the magazine became known as ‘The Green Sheet',) IDMi are proud to continue to be your foremost authority on the Information and Document Management industry. IDMi provides news, views, articles, test reports and technical reviews about all aspects of information, IT security, document management and control. Our 3,000+ PER ISSUE print edition recipients are scattered around the world and the magazine goes to 15 countries. We print every 2 months, and after fulfilling subscriptions, controlled circulation, VIP and advertisers, we rotate the remaining copies around the other recipients. (Which means a free issue, but only every 24+ months, so it is better to subscribe). We have an ever-growing list of email recipients for the DIGITAL ONLY EDITION IDMi, with recipients currently numbering 14,000+.