
Adnan Ćosić

AR Solutions Advisor, Viewar Gmbh

Adnan is a technology enthusiast with 15 years of experience. He also has been working internationally all around the globe and currently holds the position of a Solution Advisor at VIEWAR, an Augmented Reality Startup from Vienna, Austria.

The Pop inYour Job:

My job is to make the life of our clients easier by identifying the ideal use case scenarios for our cutting-edge augmented reality technology.


Viewar Gmbh

The VIEWAR System provides a complete infrastructure to create, manage, test and publish augmented reality applications! 🔥 VIEWAR is an augmented reality ecosystem, allowing non-AR-experts to create AR experiences for use cases like indoor navigation, remote assistance, predictive maintenance or product visualization. 🔑 We provide turn-key-solutions as templates to create, manage, test and publish apps via our web portal or source code access via our SDK. The company was founded in 2011 and is based in Vienna, Austria. Our system provides full spatial awareness and only requires an AR enabled device (smartphone or glasses) and generally no additional hardware. We work with visual recognition which lets you start the navigation from any position in the location without the need for any other sensorics to be installed. 🔍 INDOOAR NAVIGATION VIEWAR has developed a unique solution for indoor navigation and wayfinding. It leverages digital twins made with a 3D scanner and is based on visual recognition.To optimize processes and access data right where you want them. 🚀 DIGITAL WORKFLOWS Get work and training done more quickly, accurately and consistently. Easily capture the knowledge of your experts by digitizing procedures and create work instructions accordingly. 🧑‍🚀 REMOTE ASSISTANCE VIEWARs remote assistance tool enables users to video call, chat and draw AR annotations but also to create a knowledge database with tickets. Wayfinding, onboarding, viewing 3D models, workflows, People. VIEWAR enables you to connect the offline with the online-world and to augment the ways you communicate, navigate and operate.